Have You Heard?
Listen to our guests’ testimonies of perseverance and philanthropy.

Wife Widow Woman: Being Seen & Understood
As facilitators for the Wife Widow Woman program in St. Louis, Patty Croughan, MSW, LCSW and Peggy Cohen Voss Ph.D use their professionalism and personal experience to help women navigate the dark and difficult journey of widowhood.

Widowhood: From Grief to Growth: Featuring Carolyn Moor
As Carolyn Moor says, “The biggest universal law widowhood is that widows know widows.” After losing her husband in a tragic accident, Carolyn made it her life’s mission to advocate for widows around the world. Through her compassionate listening and mentoring skills, she’s helped thousands of women grow in confidence, finding purpose and joy in their new lives.
Website: https://modernwidowsclub.org/
Email: developmentdirector@
Instagram: @carolyncaplemoor
- Attend the International Widows Day March in Washington D.C on June 23rd!
- Support Modern Widows Club at the St. Louis Cardinals vs. Chicago Cubs Baseball Game on July 28th!
- The 2023 Widow Empowerment Event is on September 22nd-24th in St. Louis, MO. Register here!

A Fountain Full Of Fun Part 3: Featuring Joy Grdnic
In our final episode, Joy Grdnic reveals her artistic talents, describes what she loves about St. Louis and gives advice for young professionals who are starting their own business.
Website: www.fountainonlocust.com
Email: joy@allstarradio.com
Facebook: @joygrdnic

A Fountain Full Of Fun Part 2: Featuring Joy Grdnic
In the second episode, Joy Grdnic jumps from working with famous St. Louis comedian, Phyllis Diller, to the difficulty of operating a restaurant to the intricacies of making a lampshade.
Website: www.fountainonlocust.com
Email: joy@allstarradio.com
Facebook: @joygrdnic

A Fountain Full Of Fun Part 1: Featuring Joy Grdnic
In our first episode, Joy Grdnic introduces us to her award-winning restaurant, The Fountain on Locust, and she elaborates on her early stages as a radio host and comedian.
Website: www.fountainonlocust.com
Email: joy@allstarradio.com
Facebook: @joygrdnic

Holding Moonbeams Part 2: Featuring Hollyce Hammond
In our second episode, Hollyce Hammond describes how her unique family inspires her to develop her website, Holding Moonbeams, a blog and lifestyle support for families with children who have Down Syndrome.
Website: holdingmoonbeams.com
Email: hollyce@holdingmoonbeams.com
Instagram: @holdingmoonbeams
Facebook: @HoldingMoonbeams

Holding Moonbeams Part 1: Featuring Hollyce Hammond
In our first episode, Hollyce Hammond shares her personal story about being a mother of a child with Down Syndrome.
Website: holdingmoonbeams.com
Email: hollyce@holdingmoonbeams.com
Instagram: @holdingmoonbeams
Facebook: @HoldingMoonbeams

The Worldwide Impact of Webster University Part 2: Featuring Chancellor Beth Stroble
In our second episode, Chancellor Beth Stroble discusses how she strives to make Webster University a warm and inclusive environment, while researching women leadership roles in higher education.
Website: www.webster.edu
Instagram: @beth.stroble
Twitter: @ChancellorBeth

The Worldwide Impact of Webster University Part 1: Featuring Chancellor Beth Stroble
In our first episode, we learn about Chancellor Beth Stroble’s personal and professional journey towards becoming a global leader in academia, and the various opportunities that Webster University provides to its students around the world.
Website: www.webster.edu
Instagram: @beth.stroble
Twitter: @ChancellorBeth

Finding Your Personal Style: Featuring Susan Block
Susan Block is a legend in the St. Louis Community. As an advocate for others, Susan’s served on numerous boards and has invested much of her time towards philanthropic endeavors. With an eye for color and creativity, Susan has flourished through her love of interior design, fashion and fun! Despite obstacles that she faced as a young student, Susan’s story proves that “where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
Instagram: @designsuzy
Email: designingblock@aol.com

Ten By Three: Part 2: Featuring Theresa Carrington
In our second episode, Theresa Carrington shares the challenges and triumphs of working with various cultures while lifting the organization’s artisans out of poverty.
Instagram: 10x3org
Website: www.tenbythree.org
Email: theresa@tenbythree.org

Ten By Three: Part 1: Featuring Theresa Carrington
In our first episode, Theresa Carrington shares how she was able to transform her own personal struggles into her globally successful nonprofit, Ten By Three.
Instagram: 10x3org
Website: www.tenbythree.org
Email: theresa@tenbythree.org

Transcendental Meditation Part 2: Featuring Michael Blitz
In part two of our discussion on Transcendental Meditation, Michael Blitz gives some startling statistics on how this simple daily practice has changed the lives of at-risk children and teens.
Website: www.tm.org
Email: mblitz@tm.org

Transcendental Meditation Part 1: Featuring Michael Blitz
Michael Blitz, our first male guest on Woman Overboard, has been teaching people how to reduce stress and live a happier life for over forty years. He is an instructor in Transcendental Meditation (TM) in St. Louis, Missouri. Here he shares his personal experiences, and the positive benefits of this simple, calming technique.
Website: www.tm.org
Email: mblitz@tm.org

Build-A-Bear Workshop Part 2: Featuring Maxine Clark
In our second episode, Maxine Clark elaborates on Build-A-Bear’s business model, and shares her vision for creating positive changes in our communities.
Author of The Bear Necessities of Business
Website: www.buildabear.com

Build-A-Bear Workshop Part 1: Featuring Maxine Clark
Maxine Clark, Founder of Build-A-Bear Workshop, discusses how an idea of building a teddy bear morphed into a worldwide phenomenon… warming the hearts of children and adults alike!
Author of The Bear Necessities of Business
Website: www.buildabear.com

It Takes A Village: Featuring Kathy Ferrara
As a model, makeup artist, stylist and producer, Kathy Ferrara fuses her passion for others and fashion forward mindset in K.FerraraColor, an innovative and elegant nail polish line that truly outshines her competition. Having experienced hardships in both her personal and professional lives, Kathy’s success would not be possible without the love and support of her village.
Website: www.kferraracolor.com
Email: kathy.ferrara@kferraracolor.com
Instagram: @k.ferraracolor
Facebook: @kferraracolor

The Wondrous Winter Opera: Featuring Gina Galati & Nancy Pillsbury Shirley
Gina Galati and Nancy Pillsbury Shirley have a passion for Opera that has not only transformed their lives, but also the lives of St. Louis’ community members. Known throughout the world for her powerful voice and dynamic range, Gina has captivated audiences with a voice that could literally move mountains. As the founder of Winter Opera St. Louis, Gina has brought world-class singers and phenomenal performances, captivating adults and children alike. One such individual, Nancy Pillsbury Shirley, became so enamored with the operatic performances that she is now President of the organization. Like Gina, Nancy has dedicated her time towards giving St. Louis elegant productions that are sure to be remembered.
Website: www.winteroperastl.org
Website: ginagalati.com
Email: gina@winteroperastl.org

75-Year-Old College Co Ed: Featuring Sharolyn McCoy
Although she’s a senior, Sharolyn McCoy recently enrolled as a Freshman at Maryville University. She is an inspiration to others in her fervor to earn her undergraduate degree following a near-death experience. Sharolyn’s optimism and positivity shine, as she encourages others to pursue their passions.
Website: threesonspublishing.homesteadcloud.com
Email: sharolyn43@live.com
Instagram: @sharolyn43

No Fear Allowed Part 2: Featuring Laura Herring
In the second part of our conversation together, Laura Herring bares her soul by sharing her two near-brushes with death, and how this has brought into focus what is really important in her life.
Website: www.impactgrouphr.com
Email: Lherring@ighr.com

No Fear Allowed Part 1: Featuring Laura Herring
Laura Herring approaches each day with a determination to make a difference in the world. Driven by her passion for others, Laura founded IMPACT group as a means of helping families of business executives relocate. Drawing from her own childhood experiences, Laura reflects on her failures, faith and family while teaching others the importance of facing fear head on.
Website: www.impactgrouphr.com
Email: Lherring@ighr.com
Why a Podcast?
Simply put…I love to talk and I love to talk to interesting people, therefore it only makes sense that I have a podcast!!
There are people like ME–the woman who went so overboard trying to make a great life for her children and husband and was in such a fun whirlwind while doing it that time spun out of control and suddenly SPLAT! I was squashed helplessly against the side of the ship, deflated from buoying everyone else up for so many years.
My dreams are like the floaters in the back of my eye–popping up and reminding me they are still there. They taunt me: “So, what are you going to do about it?” Well, I guess you’ll just have to tune in to each episode to find out!! Check out some of the topics I’ll cover!