Support and Resources
Being a Woman Overboard can sometimes make Nancy want to throw herself into an ocean! In order to keep her head above water, Nancy draws strength and inspiration from her passions including Transcendental Meditation, Traveling and (ironically enough!) Swimming.

Transcendental Meditation (TM)
Nancy discovered Transcendental Meditation a almost two years ago, and she hasn’t looked back since. Her daily meditations help to relieve the “maximum frustration and stress” that her overboard life often produces.

The best family times we had together started in 2002 when we took our first bike trip through Switzerland. It was fabulous! Since then, we have done five more: Bordeau, Normandy, Prague and Chezolvokia and [...]

Like most children, my parents forced swimming lessons on me as a child. I didn’t take to it immediately, and as I recall, was really a very late bloomer. I remember walking to the YMCA [...]
Favorite Books and Podcasts

This book is on my bedside table, and has been since my “baby” sister, Laurel, suggested it to me in the late 90’s when I was in the throes of dealing with 4 teenagers, and one baby: A “Now” I didn’t want to be in, became a NOW of joy for me by following the truth of “living in the present,” instead of the past (a real problem for me who always says: “Oh, it seems like only yesterday he was small and wanted his bottle.” Now he was tall and wanted another kind of bottle—and I had to learn how to deal with it.
This is the follow-up and companion to the book above. This I know Eckhart wrote for ME! (my ego is certainly in check, isn’t it). In this sequel to the Power of Now, Echart—who once was on the brink of suicide himself—takes us step by step through a course in “consciousness” which is the only way to real happiness. By following his lessons, you may not find any other purpose but just listening to his hypnotic voice—and it will all be worth it.
Beautifully written, lyrical prose. She brings nature and all its tiny miracles so alive for me that I feel I am sitting with Thoreau at his Walden Pond. Plus, she weaves a story of a woman that evokes powerful feelings in me of longing, love and sorrow. As an added bonus, the story is woven together with a murder mystery. Something for everyone, Delia Owens is on the New York Times Best Seller list with her first and soon-to-be-a-classic novel in which she poured her heart and soul, and ten years of her life. I do not want it to end, but am thrilled to know that Reese Witherspoon is making a movie of this tremendous book that has something for all: mystery, historical fiction, romance and powerful imagery.
Seneca the Younger (4BC -AD 65), by the way that is NOT his apartment number, but he year he LIVED! Thinking I had had a pretty classic education, having studied Latin four years in high school, and at least introduction to many of the ancient Greek and Roman writers, I was surprised when Tim Ferriss listed this as one of his favorite books to “gift” his friends. Of course, since Tim suggested it, I “gifted” it to myself right away—and noticed in the forward that Seneca said, “This is written for Nancy Scanlon Koplar—who will one day need this book.” Imagine that?! The insight that old Seneca had to think of me—-and already over 2000 years ago at that. Well, I’m no spring chicken, but I do feel Seneca “knows” me. Maybe a past life. In his very first letter, he talks about “wasting time,” and he might as well be reading my diary. So specific, so pertinent are his thoughts on the way we all take “time” for granted.
Our heroine, a recluse and a weekend drunk, Eleanor is not your typical girl-next-door protagonist. In fact, the elegant name Eleanor, which to me evokes a golden-haired sylph in a flowing silk dress atop a white horse, hardly seems to fit this heroine. But, when a work associate starts to befriend her by asking her out for coffee, she begins a slow unravelling of her hidden self. What emerges is a shocking revelation, and a healing process that opens her heart to want to live and love for the first time. Eleanor’s wit is laugh-out-loud funny. She tore at my heart-strings, just as she did at Reese Witherspoon’s, who got to her before I did. Reese has collaborated with MGM to produce a movie of this rare work of art by author Gail Honeyman.

Since Tim gave Nancy 15% off, she quickly bought organic muscle powder and shiny briefs for the men in her family for Christmas. Tim is responsible for getting Nancy all fired up about podcasting, cause Tim is fired up about everything. His opening is: “It’s my job to deconstruct world class performers,” which he does on every one of his enlightening podcasts. Although Nancy doesn’t claim to possess much business “savvy” nor does she find books on business start-ups and successes interesting, Tim manages to keep Nancy engaged and hanging on every syllable that spills from the mouths of his world-class guests. And, she falls for everything he advertises, from organic chocolate to athletic greens to take on trips to ward off germs. Tim is also an author of many books: most notably the Four Hour Workweek, & Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World. In this great collection, Tim has garnered advice for his own life, by asking the same carefully crafted questions to 100 of the best and the brightest people he cold reach. Not only did most of them answer him, but through his unique questioning ability, he finds answers to almost any question you might ask. Tim has millions of followers to his podcast through this dictum: “If you want confusion and heartache, ask vague questions. If you want uncommon clarity and results, ask uncommonly clear questions.”
When you’re in the throes of a depression, you hardly think it funny, but listening to these comedians who have experienced depression first hand, you might think you are missing out on something if you’re one of the rare individuals who has never felt depressed. A natural state for Nancy, the Hilarious World of Depression not only adds a little levity to her daily moodiness, but also lets her know she’s not alone.
Nancy missed the big car give-a-ways Oprah doled out on her TV show for 25 years, because she was too busy raising her five children. But now, she finds that what Oprah is giving away gets her farther than any car ever could. With guests like Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson and Gary Zukov, Oprah dishes out the real soul food that sticks with you. In short, concise interviews, Oprah gleans the essence of what Nancy needs to hear on any particular day. Nancy loves to take long walks surrounded by nature and her family of deer while getting her daily dose of deep thoughts from Oprah’s spiritually enlightened guests. She insists if you try it, you too will find soul food that sticks with you. In short, concise interviews, Oprah gleans the essence of what Nancy needs to hear on any particular day.
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